Okay, okay. I know it is only March. And, I may have some ladies kicking me in the ass because spring it not quite here yet...and summer diets may not have begun. Buuuut, I need a new bathing suit BADLY!! And, this is the first time I am actually excited about the prospect of a new bathing suit! The last time I bought one was under duress (or, my old one was falling apart) at Lane Byrant in 2005. At that time, I was 180+ pounds at 5' 7" and wearing a size 14-16 - I bought a modest, black tankini that covered everything. Last summer it was HUGE (held tighter with safetypins - hell, it was just the family and friends around, right??) - this summer, it will be even worse.
So, I went on Lands End this morning and took a look around (did a preview in my IL's bathroom through the catalog last week - can always catch a good read in their bathroom!). Would have also reported back on The Gap, but their site is down today (Crap!). I want something nice, that will show off my new size 6-8, 140 lb figure (at least until I can get myself knocked-up and have the pregnancy stick), and will hold up to a toddler (or, a few since they all seem to gravitate to the IL's) in the pool. Of course, I am too old to something skimpy...or maybe not, but that is not my style.
Here is the small snag: I wear a 34.DDD bra. Yeozers!!! I was a 42.DDD at my heaviest, so at least I lost some in the boobage area. I may actually be a wee bit smaller now (the nice bras Hubby bought me at Bra Smyth in August/September 2006 are a little big - figures, after the cost to buy them and have them altered!) because of the weight loss, but I always have a hard time finding things that fit right because of the ladies.
So, what do you all think of the suits below? I haven't even considered price yet (sure, I can give my Hubby a heart attack every now and then, right!?!?!). I will label them for choices (with the last ones being mix and match tankini's - I would probably just go for the standard bottoms, which is why I didn't post a pic).
Sorry most of the choices are black - I fall into the "black makes you look slimmer" choices... I could always be talked into color though...
(Pic #10 is only if I really have the guts to wear a real two-piece suit!)










I have #6, so that one's my favorite if you're built like me - big boobs, big hips and big butt! Sigh, why oh why couldn't I have been born in an era when women who had meat on their bones were considered sexy?!
I like 3 and 9 - but you can wear color. You don't need to look any skinnier than you do!
I found Kohl's had great selections. I have to get tankinis since I'm so tall that one pieces don't fit. I found a great deal there last year. A flattering top that fully covered my belly bulge! And the best is that you can buy two different sizes so those like me with NO (and I mean none, flat as a wall) butt can buy a size smaller than what I need up top.
Very nice Choices :) I think you could also go a little more wild since you have the new bod! :) I am jealous. Hopefully after the next baby I can lose some weight! next you need to post a pic of YOU IN the bathing suit :)
I like #1, #2, and #5. I'm totally jealous. I don't even do bathing suits. :(
Not that I really do pools/large bodies of water anymore because of the frightening trach stuff with ME.
Oh, just wait till you hit your site meter. I truly found your blog by putting in "bathing suit" +"34DDD" Yup, I certainly saw that it was a blog, but hell, trying to find a bathing suit with those dimensions is tough work! You have found some great choices! I personally would be happy to wear them. (However, I am a 36DDD) I was actually searchign for my neighbor who is looking for a bikini (tiny woman with real boobs. Ohhhh, the frustration.)
Major question, and I will end this book I've written. Did you find any bikinis that aren't a halter top? (sigh)
Oh, and it was an added bonus (um, perhaps the wrong word, that your blog is also about infertility too. Truth be told I know that clubs secret handshake!)
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