I also wanted to thank all of the commenters that stopped in last week - your thoughts and comments were very kind and supportive. I greatly appreciate it. Even though I have finally come to terms with my path and have grown because of it, that still doesn't mean I am not sad it all. Your support means a lot to me. I never started this blog for "popularity" or attention reasons - I started it to get my feelings out of me (and learn from them) and to maybe help just one person who has walked a similar path I had laid before me. I hope I have done that to some degree.
So, on to some "catch-up's," since I haven't posted for a few days...
Last Monday morning, I got my semi-infamous stitches out of my chin for my I feel like a total horse's ass right now... fall. The resulting Rosacea rash from the band-aid covering the "laceration" is finally clearing up, so I am looking a little more back to normal now. I know I still owe pics of the "wound" - I will get to it this week (we do need to have the "after" pics, don't we??). But, at least you really can't see it - you have to know I fell to notice where the scar will be. Yeah!
My dad popped his hip replacement out early last Tuesday morning... Spent the entire day (from 5:30 am until about 4:00 pm) in the ER trying to figure out how the hip would get put back in. I am curious to know what was going on - the ER was so jammed packed, they had beds throughout the hallways of the ER! Anyways, around 9 am, we got tired of waiting for any information on what was going to be done and we called the surgeon's office who did his hip replacement surgery in January, only to find out he was skiing in Wyoming. Oh, joy! So, the receptionist at the office talked to one of the partners and got a covering doc down to the ER around 12 noon. Finally, after general anesthesia (the local anesthesia was not working), they pushed his hip back in and we had him transported home via abulance once he was coherent enough to go home. He saw the surgeon on Friday - he's home for two weeks from work, and must limit his movement to what he had post-op. Once he is ready to go back to work, he HAS TO resume his exercises (which was one of the factors in the hip popping out in the first place!) and has to be careful of how he moves. What a moron my dad can be... He popped it out putting his work shoe "the old way." So, that blew a sick day...
Work has been insane this and last week... Not that I mind now, since balancing things is getting a little easier. Just means less blog and BG time. :( Rats...
Friday I went for my follow-up at the Dr. S' office (the endocrinologist). After her exam and reviewing my latest bloodwork and what has been going on in terms of symptoms for the past few months, I have been officially diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. I started Levoxyl on Friday and go back in two months for repeat thyroid bloodwork. I also have to go in on April 10th for an ultrasound of the thyroid since my gland feels "grainy" now. I hope over the coming weeks that the symptoms begin to subside a bit - although I am really hoping that I don't lose any more weight on this medication. Guess we have to wait and see on that one.
Chris came down with another stomach virus on Saturday... I am beginning to feel like such a bad mother because this was his fourth stomach virus in less than three years! I keep a relatively clean house...so I just wish I knew where he was picking them up from! We got very concerned on Saturday because his fever spiked up to a little over 104 degrees - and he has never had a fever that high! So, we called the ped and was told that if it didn't come down in an hour after motrin and a tepid bath, to take him to the ER. Luckily for us, it did come down, although it hovered around 101 degrees through Sunday morning. Finally, after a 3 1/2 hour nap starting at 3 pm yesterday, he started to feel better and is now his old self...
However, here is my newest issue that I am having a hard time dealing with:
Every time Chris has had a stomach virus, I get it. Sooooo, of course I am sitting here watching for every freakin' sign of impending doom of hurling. I talked to Hubby about it last night - it is such an irrational thought to constantly wonder if I am going to get the latest virus, but the idea just won't leave my head. I have spend the better part of a year feeling like I had a stomach virus due to the anxiety I had - and I am so tired of feeling that way. Plus, the achiness of the Hashi's had made that feeling worse. So, that spills over into my constant worry about getting this latest virus.
I know, a virus is a rather short-lived thing. Chris starting acting sick around 10 am Saturday morning, and by Sunday evening was very much himself - so, if I do get it, it is only 24 hours or so out of my life... But, I HATE, HATE, HATE that feeling of barfing (not that anyone does!). And, I have had such a hard time getting it out of my head...until I was walking today and heard this song:
Live For Today
Natalie Grant
Sittin' in my room staring at the wall
Wonderin' about the meaning of it all
Why is it this thing called life
Has got me goin' crazy
So I open up your word and let it speak to me
The purpose and the plan that you've designed
Is clear to see, and I believe
I'm gonna live for today
I'm gonna follow in your way
I'm gonna let my little light shine
Like there's no tomorrow
I won't worry about the past
I know my future is intact
So I'll choose to live my life one way
I'm gonna live it for today
You told me not to worry
About what lies ahead
So I am gonna focus on today instead
Making every moment count and counting
very single blessing
I'm gonna set my mind on the
Here and the Now
This is what I want my life to be about
And this is How...
Repeat Chorus
Natalie Grant
Sittin' in my room staring at the wall
Wonderin' about the meaning of it all
Why is it this thing called life
Has got me goin' crazy
So I open up your word and let it speak to me
The purpose and the plan that you've designed
Is clear to see, and I believe
I'm gonna live for today
I'm gonna follow in your way
I'm gonna let my little light shine
Like there's no tomorrow
I won't worry about the past
I know my future is intact
So I'll choose to live my life one way
I'm gonna live it for today
You told me not to worry
About what lies ahead
So I am gonna focus on today instead
Making every moment count and counting
very single blessing
I'm gonna set my mind on the
Here and the Now
This is what I want my life to be about
And this is How...
Repeat Chorus
If I just live for the moment like I have been, maybe the worry of this freakin' virus will subside. Please send some healthy vibes, because I don't feel like giving up a day for puking.
I am still waiting for the Red Storm to arrive. My boobs are so sore that just looking at them hurts. Alas, tomorrow is CD 77...and, I am starting to think that maybe "77" might be a sign. My last two cycles were 77 days long - and, if my period holds out until Wednesday, then this cycle will be 77 days too. Anyone know what the signifigance of "77" might be? For right now, the most logical one to me would be that maybe 7-2007 might be a good month to start TCC (I go back on 7/2/07 for a follow-up with the endocrinologist - and would be cleared to TTC by her if my TSH is below 2.0 by then). Any takers on this one???
So, to cheer my day today... Here are some fun things to share:
Team Winks left the following comment on my post Okay, now for some summer-preview fun...:
"Oh, just wait till you hit your site meter. I truly found your blog by putting in "bathing suit" +"34DDD" Yup, I certainly saw that it was a blog, but hell, trying to find a bathing suit with those dimensions is tough work!"Now, I have been blogging for a year...and it never occurred to me that posting those dimensions without a "." in between the 34 and the DDD would leave me open to searches for the bra size!!

Oh, and I have to mention that, while I was walking today, I got my first wistle from a guy in a passing car (or, really, hot-rodded-up pick-up truck). WoooHooo! Only took me 34 years for that to happen -- alas, though, the poor college guy probably had no idea that I am more than ten years older than him! But, I'll take the wistle anway!
Oooh, I hate hate hate being sick. Especially the nausea. I don't blame you for worrying about catching it. Hope everyone is well soon.
Sending some good health vibes your way so you don't get the latest stomach virus incarnation!
For some reason if you happen to post anything in your blog that can be thought to be about boobs, you get lots of hits. I do wonder what they are looking for...
Prayers that the sickies avoid you. And that Chris gets better soon.
Yuck that Chris was sick. Poor little guy. Too funny about the bra size and all! Btw I just love, love, love Natalie Grant!
Awesome blog you have hhere
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