Did you hear that???
Uh... Am I the only one hearing it??

I think Pingu is related to the devil.
Pingu is a Swiss animated series aimed at children. It features a family of penguins who lived at the South Pole, and primarily focuses on the antics of the son, Pingu, and his friend Robby the Seal. There are also lots of family-based episodes, featuring the mother and father and (after she was hatched) his baby sister Pinga, as well as several other minor characters. All dialogue is in a kind of "penguin language" ("Pinguish" or "Penguinese") - hence the Nyuck...Nyuck....which we all hear in our sleep now.
Chris has an addiction to that damned penguin... Asks for Pingu ALL OF THE TIME! Now, the addiction is always useful when trying to prepare dinner (rare is the time Chris will stray from Pingu) and this penguin has single-handedly given Chris the courage to sit on the potty without screaming. But-
There it is again.
I will admit - there are some addictive eposides with Pingu: Pingu was featured in a specially-made music video for Eskimo Disco's first single, 7-11. It is great!
I just want the-
-out of my head.
Oh, I hope this wave of favoritism is gone soon....
Pingu IS the devil. And may he pass from your house sooner rather than later.
p.s. I'll trade you a Pingu obsession for a Calliou obsession. That little French-Canadian kid is such a whiner.
I can send you over some Dora tapes. Then you will year "yum, yum, yum Delicioso" or "swiper no swiping" and "oh man" in your head !!! Course this is so much better than the "I love you" phase from Barney!!
Val: Chris is already a Dora fan (if you ask him where something is, he say "Guh - there it is!" like the curser looking for Swiper.
Adrienne: Gotta agree with Calliou... I see many beatings in his future!
One child's penguin is another child's Diego and Dora... which is the lesser of two evils??
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