Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Some closure is coming... And Lorazepam update

To first update the gastro issues from my My love/hate relationship with Lorazepam post: My GP has taken me off Lorazepam completely and we will see if it clears up the stomach mess. However, he put me back on Rozerem, which stopped working after 2 weeks. Crap! Guess this will just have to be an experiment into if I can manage to finally fall asleep on my own. :)

So, finally, some closure is coming. Spoke with Dr. D's office yesterday - Lee (the nurse there) said there is a stack of labs there with my name on it that looks like the size of a phonebook! Yipes! But, I guess that is what you get when you have 20 viles drawn. Anyways, she is going to make sure today that Dr. D has everything back he wanted me tested for and she will call to set up the consult to go over everything. Soon, we will either have some answers - or, be told we just had 3 flukes happen to us. Either way, I am ready to find out what my future holds with my body and TTC again...


Anonymous said...

Praying you are able to find out something from the phonebook size results.

Anonymous said...
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